Bloodshot Unleashed (Photo: Jon Davis-Hunt/Valiant Entertainment) but will they be enough to stop Exarch Fane's wrath? The all-new team arrives this July. From the master of horror CULLEN BUNN and rising star artist RICCARDO LATINA, BOOK OF SHADOWS is a supernatural event that forms a brand-new team in the Valiant Universe. No one is safe as Exarch Fane has his cold hands on the Book of Shadows. The supernatural protectors of the Valiant Universe unite for the very first time to stand against a terrifying ancient threat. Book of Shadows (Photo: Riccardo Latina, Nick Filardi/Valiant Entertainment) Now, in the present day, they have broken free, wreaking havoc on America–and only Bloodshot can stop them.Covers and descriptions of all three series can be found below. Unfortunately, these other attempts did not meet with the same results as Rising Spirit and were shut down, the test subjects shunted off to a secret underground base.

Bloodshot Unleashed #1 introduced an exciting new wrinkle into the character’s origin by revealing that Project: Rising Spirit was one of many such projects, all aimed at creating super-soldiers. Once again, Bloodshot rebelled against his creators and has been on the run ever since. Bloodshot was tasked with carrying out the United States’ dirtiest jobs, dying on every mission only to be reborn each time in a new identity. His origin was retooled slightly, but he was still created by Project: Rising Spirit as a means of fighting the planet’s growing psiot population.

When Valiant returned to the scene in 2012, Bloodshot was one of its initial offerings. Bloodshot has been a staple of every incarnation of the Valiant Comics universe since the character's creation in 1992.